Taylorweir will provide a total refund of courses fee paid in advance where:

  1. The course ceases to be provided prior to commencement;
  2. The course is not provided in full to the student because a sanction has been imposed on the registered provider under part 6 (ESOS Act).

Should Taylorweir management withdraw its offer or fails to provide the program offered or terminates its course delivery after the course commences, Taylorweir will apply the following refund calculation:

  • The number of weeks between the date of default and the end of the period to which the payment relates is to be calculated by rounding up the number obtained by dividing the number of days between the date of default and the end date of the period to which the payment relates (inclusive) by 7.

Taylorweir will apply the following refunds where applicable:

Where a written application is received for a Tuition Fee Refund, Taylorweir will:

  • Provide a full refund of course fees paid in advance less the maximum of 5% of the withdrawn course fee or $500.00, whichever is the lesser, for administrative expenses where a Visa has been denied prior to commencement of the course;
  • Provide a total refund of tuition fees paid in advance less the maximum of 5% of the withdrawn course fee or $500.00, whichever is the lesser, for administrative expenses calculated from the day after the default day (course fee is payable up to and including the default day), where a Visa has been denied after commencing the course;
  • Provide a full refund of the course fee paid in advance, where enrolling students provide more than 10 weeks written notice of their intention to withdraw from the course prior to the course commencement. The refund will be less the maximum of 5% of the withdrawn course fee or $500, whichever is the lesser, for administrative expenses;
  • Provide a partial refund of the course fee paid in advance, where enrolling students provide more than 4 weeks and up to 10 weeks written notice of their intention to withdraw from the course prior to the course commencement. The refund will be less the maximum of 5% of the withdrawn course fee or $500, whichever is the lesser, for administrative expenses;
  • Provide a partial refund of the course fee paid in advance, where enrolling students provide less than 4 weeks written notice of their intention to withdraw from the course prior to the course commencement;
  • The refund will be 40% of term’s fees, less the maximum of 5% or $500, whichever is the lesser, for administrative expenses;
  • Provide a partial refund to students who withdraw after the commencement of the course up until the first 4 weeks. The refund shall be 30% of term’s Tuition fees, less the maximum of 5% of the withdrawn course fee or $500, whichever is the lesser, for administrative expenses (no refund will be applied to non-tuition fees);
  • Apply no refund where a student has withdrawn from the course after the 4th week of the course;
  • A student, who has paid for more than Taylorweir terms in advance and withdraws during the term and more than four weeks before the commencement of the following term, will receive no refund of the course fees for the current term and at least 70% of the following term’s fees and a full refund of fees paid for any subsequent term;
  • Should Taylorweir International Management withdraw a student from a course because the student has seriously breached international student visa conditions or a provider’s rules, no refund of the current term’s fees and 40% of fees applicable to a subsequent term and a full refund of fees paid for any subsequent term.

In all cases, where the student has entered into a payment plan, payment plan fees are not refundable.