Australian Small Training Provider of the Year Award 2022 - Bronze

Australian Small Training Provider of the Year Award 2022 - Bronze

Taylorweir brought home Bronze for Small Training Provider of the Year Award 2022!

It is a huge honour for Taylorweir to receive this recognition and we are humbled by this award. We have been working tirelessly behind the scenes for tonight, and it brings great joy to share this with our industry and peers.

Taylorweir have proudly been delivering quality hairdressing and barbering training to WA apprentices and international students for over 25 years. To be an Australian finalist is recognition that we take our industry seriously, demonstrating that we are a worthwhile trade and constantly pursuing that hairdressing and barbering will remain a respected career of choice.

Taylorweir would like to thank everyone that was involved in our submission, our employers, stakeholders, and our amazing apprentices. We couldn’t have done it without you.

It was such a joy to hear your Taylorweir journey, during your video submissions and we endeavour to ensure that all students continue to have the same positive experience as yours in years to come.

Taylorweir would like to congratulate the winner of our category Academy of Film, Theatre and Television NSW and Harness Energy QLD as being a finalist, and all finalists and winners of the evening.

Liz and Vanessa would like to thank most of all Rosanna for being an integral part of our submission going above and beyond to ensure we had it right, Jenny who plays a huge part in the success of Taylorweir and we would also like to recognise the hard work and dedication of our team of trainers and admin staff at Taylorweir, and we are so proud what we achieved tonight as an Australian finalists.